To provide some help and support for the people who purchased the product "The Gismo Communicator"

Important information on GiSMOPhone Application 1.5.0
• If an iPAQ in sleep mode has an active GPRS connection, it is not woken up by an incoming GSM call.
• The first two ring signals may be lost when an incoming call wakes up the iPAQ.
• If the iPAQ is turned off during an active GSM call, the call is terminated when the iPAQ wakes up.
• Occasionally, start and stop of GSM or WLAN from inside the application can cause problems.
• Some phrases have not been translated into French, Swedish and German.
• Some international characters are not handled properly when using the SIM address book.
• When making a call from Contacts, “Details” has to be pressed before the green phone button is pressed.
• SMS message length is limited to 110 characters.